速報APP / 財經 / BitcoinV Wallet (BTCV)

BitcoinV Wallet (BTCV)



檔案大小:23.4 MB


版本需求:系統需求:iOS 13.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。

BitcoinV Wallet (BTCV)(圖1)-速報App

BTCV is a new crypto currency and the VBR feature enables BTCV to be a more decentralized form of Bitcoin BTC.

Fast, simple and safe! The BitcoinV Wallet is the easiest way to get started with BitcoinV. Designed with both new and experienced users in-mind, this wallet is simple enough for a first-time novice to use, yet powerful enough for regular power-users.

BitcoinV Wallet (BTCV)(圖2)-速報App

The BitcoinV wallet connects directly as a BitcoinV (Lite) client, so no lengthy downloads or syncing!

Safer than a vault: BitcoinV is based on the latest security features to protect you and your BTCV. Utilizing secure hardware encryption and a variety of other measures, you can rest assured that your BTCV are accessible to you and you alone.

BitcoinV Wallet (BTCV)(圖3)-速報App

BitcoinV was engineered from the ground-up to be as friendly to first-time users as possible. Central to this ideal is your Personal Recovery Key, that is all that is required to restore your BTCV in the event you ever lose your phone or happen to flush it away. This wallet uses plain language techniques (A phrase you keep in written down in a secure location) to allow you to easily get back up and running on a new phone.


BitcoinV Wallet (BTCV)(圖4)-速報App

* SegWit and legacy addresses supported

* Start using BitcoinV immediately to transfer/receive BTCV, thanks to BTCV (Lite) technology

BitcoinV Wallet (BTCV)(圖5)-速報App

* Easily restore from another phone

* No server to get hacked or go down

BitcoinV Wallet (BTCV)(圖6)-速報App

* Redundancy and resiliency, powered by BitcoinV's globally distributed Blockchain

* The Single Personal Recovery Key is all that's needed to backup application

BitcoinV Wallet (BTCV)(圖7)-速報App

* Your secure / private keys never leave your phone and are never transmitted to any 3rd party, ensuring you maintain total control of your BTCV.

* QR Code scanning to save you time and effort

BitcoinV Wallet (BTCV)(圖8)-速報App

The BitcoinV project is open-source, you can review the code here:


BitcoinV Wallet (BTCV)(圖9)-速報App